, pub-1464565844894992, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Redneck Ghost Questerz Redneck Ghost Questerz: Knock once for "yes" and two times for "no"....

Friday, June 8, 2012

Knock once for "yes" and two times for "no"....

OrbsOrbs (Photo credit: Wikipedia)We here at RGQ have been real busy. For some reason, when it gets warmer weather the ghosts seem to act up more than ever.  We get asked often how do we communicate with spirits from the netherworld and most people think we have some sophis..sofis, some special way of doing it. Well, we don't. Our usual way we ask questions is like this:

RGQ investigator: To the spirit,  Is there anyone that would like to come forward an say something?
Knock once for "yes", "two times" for "no" and "three times" for "I ain't sure" and "four times" for "could you repeat that?"

RGQ investigator: Are you the one that has been making all the noise in this here house?
Knock once for "yes", "two times" for "no" and "three times" for "I ain't sure" and "four times" for "what's it to ya?"

RGQ investigator: Speaking to the entity that is in this here house, are you here?
Knock once for "yes" and "two times" for "no"....(you'd be surprised how many times they knock two times...oh well at least we don't waste no more time on the case once they tell us they aint in the house...)

RGQ investigator: Do you know you are dead?
Knock once for "yes" two times for "no", three times for "says who?" and four times for "Are you sure?"

RGQ investigator: Can you give us a sign of your presence?
Knock once for "yes", two times for "no", three times for "I'm not sure" and four times for "I don't know how.." (that's when we tell the spirit to touch somebody)...

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